From construction to operation, ‘green’ building practices are more prevalent than ever. Green buildings for commercial, industrial and governmental use are popping up in all 50 states and worldwide, and it’s a trend that shows no signs of a slowdown.
Between 40 to 48 percent of new nonresidential construction by value will be ‘green’ in 2015, according to a McGraw Hill Construction report cited by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). The report predicted $135 billion ‘green’ new construction starts in 2015.
A green building is one that efficiently uses energy and other resources while protecting occupant health and reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The push to ‘go green’ means the spigot of grant money is open and flowing, and you can search for available grants.
Alaska Structures® is committed to environmentally responsible building practices, and our fabric buildings and work camps reflect that commitment. At Alaska Structures, we believe our tension membrane structures are environmentally superior alternatives to many wood, metal and brick-and-mortar buildings.

“Metal, wood and brick-and-mortar buildings don’t allow for natural light to come through the roof, and that means they need to use electric lights for illumination which uses more energy,” Alaska Structures’ Project Manager Kevin Cullen said.
Using a thermoplastic fabric that allows in natural light can add a point or more to a building’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) score.
Choosing an eco-friendly tension fabric building from Alaska Structures can also cut down on heating and cooling costs. Our reflective insulating fabrics reduce roof heat, and our insulation systems keep interior environments comfortable with lower HVAC energy use.
Our EnerLayer™ insulation system provides a 35-percent reduction in heat required to maintain 70°F at -25°F ambient temperature. EnerLayer™ can provide a 22-percent reduction in air conditioning needed to maintain 70°F at 125°F ambient temperatures. EnerLayer™ is also reusable, which cuts down on pollution from manufacturing.
SuperLayer™ insulation systems are another smart choice when energy efficiency matters. SuperLayer™ systems have an antimicrobial batting material made of 30 percent recycled components. The external layer has a moisture impermeable finish with soil release properties and an inherent ultraviolet (UV) light inhibitor. The interior fill is 100-percent recyclable.
The HGB Series™ is a green technology camp system that features the best in environmental responsibility. The HGB Series™ create camp systems that have a minimal environmental impact because they have minimal foundations, reduced logistics requirements and energy-efficient designs.
“The interior walls of our fabric structures are made of a foam core and extruded aluminum,” Cullen said. “The foam core helps reduce heat transmission and noise pollution, and the aluminum is 100 percent recyclable.”
It’s possible to use an HGB Series™ camp system for 30 years or more and remove the infrastructure with no environmental impact.The interiors of HGB Series™ fabric membrane structures feature motion sensors in hallways so there is no electricity wasted to illuminate empty corridors, leading to a smaller carbon footprint than competing buildings. Sustainability is also a hallmark of an HGB Series™ camp system.
“The interior walls of the HGB Series™ are made of a foam core and extruded aluminum,” Cullen said. “The foam core helps reduce heat transmission and noise pollution, and the aluminum is 100-percent recyclable.”
Alaska Structures has extensive raw materials recycling programs that reduce waste in our manufacturing processes, and our modular fabric building designs allow for easy installation while cutting down on waste associated with traditional construction methods. With very little waste in the building process, erecting an Alaska Structures portable building could gain a building’s owner a point on his or her LEED score.
We also offer rotational-molded (rotomold) containers for shipping that can be reused several times across multiple projects. Our ability to create low-cube packaging options for shipping allows us to deliver more products in less space, reducing our carbon footprint.
For more information about Alaska Structures’ commitment to environmental responsibility, call +1-907-344-1565, email us, or contact us online.
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