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Posts by: Alaska Structures

National Camping Month is June 2022

June is national camping month and you can start celebrating here by planning your next camping trip. To have the best possible trip you must research and plan ahead, last minute trips may cause you to forget things you need. There are many resources online to help you prepare and decide what things you need to pack for your camping trip. One thing necessary for camping is a tent, and if you have a tent already you can upgrade to a WeatherPort camping shelter.

Event Structures for Casinos — The Move to Tension Fabric Buildings

Tension fabric structures can support many different types of business operations and applications. Operating casinos are among the many different business applications for tension fabric buildings. Fabric structures can replace brick and mortar buildings since they have comparable strength at a fraction of the price. They fabric structures can include HVAC systems for casinos that allow smoking inside and soundproofing. Other advantages besides cost include shorter construction times, easy expansion, energy-efficiency and more. Some upscale casinos throughout Canada and the United States are already using fabric structures to operate their businesses. Learn more about how a fabric structure can house your casino operation.

Fabric Structures for Commercial Construction Projects

Learn about the different modular building applications for construction projects, heavy engineering, power plants and other facilities. These extremely durable and portable engineered fabric structures offer the versatility and cost-effectiveness required for these types of projects.

Fabric Structures Create On-Site Small Business Storage Facilities

Economic growth in the United States economy in the manufacturing sector will lead to a greater need for commercial storage facilities. As manufacturing production increases more goods will need a safe storing place. You may need a commercial warehouse for your business to store your goods while your outputs increase. You may consider using a fabric structure for your warehouse since they are often cheaper to build than traditional brick-and-mortar structures. WeatherPort® offers a huge variety of storage systems to meet your specific needs.