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Fully Engineered Fabric Structures

Fabric Structures and their uses.

Cold-Climate and Extreme-Altitude Mining Solutions

Mining operations often take managers and miners to the most remote locations with extremely harsh conditions. They need structures that can protect them as they work, and will last the length of the operation. For instance, the Bema Gold mines are in far east Russia, where weather conditions are extreme. It snows 315 days a year with an average temperature of -67°F and up to 132 mph wind gusts. They have fabric buildings from Alaska Structures that they used for 10 years before replacing them. The Bema Gold mines and other operations facing similar harsh weather need durability and long-lasting quality, which their designs can provide.

Alaska Structures quonset hut at Everest basecamp

Basecamps from Alaska Structures

Jagged Globe is a tour operator that plans treks in some of the toughest regions, such as Mount Everest, Denali or Kilimanjaro. When setting up camp on such tough summits as these, you need the strongest and most durable camping systems. Jagged Globe has been using Alaska Structures fabric buildings to set up their basecamps for adventure treks. These camp systems are fully customizable, with long lasting fabric and materials, insulation, and tested by third-party engineers. Jagged Globe relying on these structures in these rugged regions helps demonstrate their strength and safety. These camping systems are fully capable of supporting any operation.