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Camp Systems

Energy-Efficient Fabric Buildings

One way to cut the monthly expenses of your business, such as heating, cooling, and lighting, is by using energy efficient fabric buildings. Fabric buildings cut construction time in addition to cutting monthly expenses, which is another cost savings since less resources will go toward construction. Designers created our WeatherPort fabric buildings with energy efficiency in mind. The materials used for the siding, roofs, lighting and insulation can help control energy use and conserve energy. Our buildings are a great option for many types of businesses.

GBX gable buildings temporarily used for housing in remote camp in Alaska.

Fabric Buildings vs. ISO Containers

ISO shipping containers provide a way for intermodal transport, shipping items from the ship to the rails and then to trucks. This versatility doesn’t translate to housing and camping, however some commercial and governmental operations use them for this purpose. Imagine trying to sleep or work inside a metal crate with no windows or insulation. Those aren’t optimal conditions to live or work in. A better option for a camp system would be a fabric structure, designed to house people and equipment. Factors that make fabric structures a better option are safety, shipping costs, portability, construction costs, versatility, and energy efficiency.

Green Building Practices With Alaska Structures

Nationally and globally there have been efforts to reduce waste and pollution on our planet, including the recent Paris Agreement. With global warming and new legislation, operations must use energy-efficient and eco-friendly buildings to help the planet and avoid lawsuits. Green buildings efficiently use energy, protect occupant health and reduce waste and pollution according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Alaska Structures offers a solution for operations managers that will follow EPA standards while not increasing operation costs a lot. Their fabric structures are equipped with lots of options that cut down energy costs, are reusable, and comfortable for employees to work in.

Alaska Structures quonset hut at Everest basecamp

Basecamps from Alaska Structures

Jagged Globe is a tour operator that plans treks in some of the toughest regions, such as Mount Everest, Denali or Kilimanjaro. When setting up camp on such tough summits as these, you need the strongest and most durable camping systems. Jagged Globe has been using Alaska Structures fabric buildings to set up their basecamps for adventure treks. These camp systems are fully customizable, with long lasting fabric and materials, insulation, and tested by third-party engineers. Jagged Globe relying on these structures in these rugged regions helps demonstrate their strength and safety. These camping systems are fully capable of supporting any operation.